Sierra Youth Sports   
 Pony Baseball & Girls Softball     

2024 Bronco Schedule


Palmdale and Sierra Pony


Bronco Division:


1. Rules:  Play is governed by OFFICIAL Baseball Rules as documented in the 2023 Rules and Regulation for PONY Baseball, Inc. Bronco League.



2. Field:   We will follow the PONY Standards

  1. Pitching Distance will be at 50 feet

  2. Distance between bases 70 ft.

  3. The recommended home run fence distances:

  • Foul Line: 225 feet.

  • Center Field: 275 feet


3. Game Length:

  1. Game length shall be seven (7) innings or 2 hour and 20 minutes. No new inning will start after 2 hour and 20 minutes of game start.

  2. If game is called for any reason it shall be a complete game if four (4) innings have been completed, or if the home team has scored more runs in three (3) innings or three and a fraction innings, than the visiting team has scored in four (4) completed innings.


      1. Mercy Rule: ten (10) run lead at the end of its fourth inning, the game shall be terminated and the team in front declared the winner.

4. Inning Length:

  1. Ten (10) run limit per inning up to the 7th inning. Per ALL LEAGUE PRESIDENTS…….

  2. No extra inning during a regular season game.


5. Substitutions:

  1. Any player in the starting lineup who has been removed for a substitute may re-enter the game only one time. Note: This rule applies to starters only.

  2. Players shall return to the lineup in their original place in the batting order. While more than one substitute may be used in that position before the starting player is returned, no substitutions shall be made that shall alter the original batting rotation of any of the starting players.

  3. Once removed from the lineup, a pitcher may return to the lineup but shall not pitch again in the same game.

  4. All active players (eligible to play in a game) must play at least two (2) innings (six defensive outs) and have at least one (1) physical at bat during each game.

  5. All active players must be officially entered in the lineup before the start of play in the top of the fourth inning. In any instance in which a team does not have an eligible substitute for a player who becomes ill, is injured, or ejected from the game by the umpire, the player last removed from the lineup by the manager or coach, who is otherwise eligible to play, shall be used as a substitute.

  6. When a team’s last available substitute enters the game as part of a multiple substitution, the manager shall advise the umpire and the official scorekeeper which player is to be considered the last player removed from the lineup. In this instance only, the substitute player shall take the batting position of the player they replaced, even though it may be a different batting position than the one that he/she previously occupied.

  7. This rule applies to all players, including starters.

6. Pitchers:


    1. Pony Baseball pitching rules:

          Daily Max Pitches per player - 85 pitches.

    2. Required rest rules:

          0 days rest: 1-20 pitches

          1 day rest:   21-35 pitches

          2 days rest: 36-50 pitches 

          3 days rest: 51-65 pitches

          4 days rest: 66+ pitches

    3. Pitchers in violation of any of the pitching rules shall be considered ineligible players, subject to penalties outlined in Rule 18 – Penalties section of the Pony Baseball Rules and Regulations Book.

d. Any pitcher withdrawn from the mound and/or lineup, or a pitcher who is withdrawn from the mound and stays in the game at another position, shall not be permitted to pitch again in the same game.

e. If a relief pitcher comes in “cold” the umpire shall allow the pitcher to warm up properly with at least ten (10) warm up pitches.

7. Field Preparation:

  1. Home team is responsible for setting up field prior to the start of the game.

  2. After the last game, the Home and visiting teams are responsible for putting all the equipment away.

  3. Once the last game has completed, the field will need a quick maintenance consisting of watering and filling in the holes around home base and pitching mound.


  5. If you are inter-leaguing at Sky Tower, only the home team and the last team playing must put everything away.


8. Scorekeepers:

  1. The official scorekeeper shall record all at bats, hits, runs, errors, strikeouts, bases on ball, innings pitched in by each pitcher and scheduled starting time of games, or actual starting time if game is delayed. The scorekeeper shall also notify the umpire at the conclusion of the game to sign the score book before leaving the field.

  2. The official scorer should notify the manager concerned if an ineligible player or an improper batter is about to be used in the game, but the failure of the scorer to do so has no effect upon the rules.

  3. Home team is responsible to keep score and has to provide one and the game is not to start without one.

9. Managers:

  1. Lineup:

    1. All managers must ensure that the score cards are filled out completely and specify the following: All players on active team roster specify any player who is absent or reason not eligible to play.

    2. All pitching changes and any changes to the lineup must be reported to the home plate umpire and home team score keeper.

    3. Managers/Coaches have the choice to bat their entire line up or the traditional nine (9) on a lineup.

    4. All defensive changes must be made through the umpire and official score keeper.

    5. All player must still meet the must play rule of one (1) at bat and six (6) consecutive defensive outs. This rule only applies during LEAGUE play, during All Star the traditional nine (9) player line will be required.

  2. Only the manager/coach (one or the other) will be allowed to speak to the umpire regarding a call. The manager/coach must first call time out and only when acknowledged by the umpire may he approach the umpire. The opposing manager/coach may approach to listen and may request to speak. All other coaches must remain at their positions in the dugouts or base coach box. The umpire will control the discussion and state his/her decision. Both managers/coaches will return to their respective areas as soon as possible and resume the game. Excessive delays of the game by either team shall not be tolerated.

  3. No more than a three person coaching staff is permitted in the dugout at all times, no team moms/scorekeepers unless part of the three-person staff. All potential managers and coaches must be approved by the Board of Directors. All coaching staff members in the dugout during game time must be in uniform consisting of:

    1. Team hat

    2. Shirt in team colors or team jersey. No shirts with inappropriate logos.

  4. Any attempts or overt actions by anyone to include spectators to intimidate or disrespect any umpire shall be grounds by the umpire to eject the manager/coach from the game. The ejected person will be required to immediately leave the field and spectator area.


10. Umpires:

  1. At any time the umpires assigned by the league fail to report, or are otherwise unavailable, any other umpires used in that game shall be agreed upon by the opposing managers in writing. The umpires shall sign the official score book at the end of the game.

  2. Judgment calls by the umpire cannot be protested, however where two or more umpires are used in a game, the umpires may confer on close calls where one had a better view of the play.

  3. Protest of a game based upon standing rules must be made in writing identifying the date of the game, teams involved, game start and end time and the basis for the protest. This protest is to be submitted to the league within 24 hours along with a $25 nonrefundable processing fee. The league will make a decision on the protest within four working days.

S = Sierra
P = Palmdale

***Click above on the Field Locations page to get the addresses of the away games***

Make up games for Rain outs will only be played for standing issues
ALL STAR Tournaments (Post Season)
May 15th - August 3rd
(depending on how long each team keeps winning)